So you want to be a millionaire? Here’s how a Roth IRA helps
get you there.
What in the hell is a Roth IRA?
It’s a tax advantaged retirement account for American
earners. There are a few rules:
If you file taxes as a single person, you can
open a Roth IRA if you earn $116,000/year or less
If you file taxes as a couple, you can open a
Roth IRA if you earn $183,000/year or less
You can’t put more than $5,500 into your Roth
IRA for 2016
If you have money left in your Roth IRA after
you die, your heirs may be required to take minimum distributions from it
You must earn income in a given year to use a
Roth IRA
Getting to millionaire status with a Roth IRA is easy
1. They let you invest in whatever you want
Your workplace 401k is nice, but it limits your options for
investing. In fact, some unscrupulous plan managers accept incentives from
mutual funds to offer high fee plans to employees and it’s totally legal! That means high fees for employees and
lower returns overall. A Roth IRA? That’s all yours. You can invest in a huge
number of mutual funds on the open market and pick the one that works best for
you. Total freedom means lower fees and higher returns and that means you get
to “millionaire” status faster.
2. They provide compound interest
What’s the most powerful force in the universe? Gravity?
Light? Whatever it is that keeps the Kardashians famous? Nope. It’s obviously
the heading to this paragraph: compound interest. Once you’ve got your money
invested into a Roth IRA it starts earning you interest. That’s money you get
simply for having money! The compounding part comes in when that money you
earned for having money starts earning
its own money! That is some dark magic going on right there, and it means
you get to millionaire status faster thanks to your Roth IRA and the most
powerful force in the universe: compound interest.
3. They grow tax free
Roth IRAs are tax advantaged which means the government
protects them from taxes to incentivize you to put money into them for
retirement. For your Roth IRA you put in money you’ve already paid taxes on,
but the money in the account grows tax free. That’s all of your compounding
interest growing without any taxes coming out, which in turn gains you more
interest, which garners more, and then more, and all the while no taxes! You’ll
be a millionaire in no time.
4. Your withdrawals are tax free too
The government is serious about getting you to put money
into your Roth IRA. How serious? Not only will they let your investments grow
tax free, adding a little extra juice to the most powerful force in the
universe that is compound interest, but when you take money out of your Roth IRA? That money is tax free too! Are you
kidding me? Ben Franklin once said, “The only certain things in life are death
and taxes,” but when it comes to the Roth IRA the IRS has made clear: taxes aren’t a certainty! (The IRS also wants
to make clear: you’re on your own for the death thing).
5. You can make catch up contributions
Sometimes life gets in the way. It happens. Nothing to be
ashamed of. You wouldn’t be here if you weren’t human, right? The Roth IRA
takes that into account and offers you one final method for getting to
millionaire status: the catch up contribution. If you’re 50 or older and you’re
looking to juice the wheels on your retirement options you can make extra
contributions to your Roth IRA to “catch up” to where you want to be before
retirement. Your new limit once you reach 50? It’s $6,500, an extra thousand
bucks towards making you a millionaire.
The Roth IRA is a powerful retirement tool that can take you
to seven figures of net worth while protecting you from taxes. Looking to start
yours? Check out Vanguard today for more information.
Just made my 2nd year's (2015) contribution... Pretty stoked about it!